What is The KonMari Method™?

Please read about the method here.

What Exactly Do You Do And Why Should I Use A Professional To Declutter and Organize My Home?

ÉDH`s home decluttering and organizing approach is based The KonMari Method™ – a proven and sustainable approach that is designed to prevent people from relapsing. The reason why this method is often referred to as life-changing is that the result is not only a tidy and organized home but a significant mindset shift. From that point forward, you have a different relationship with what you accumulate and what truly matters to you here and now. 

That said, ÉDH`s services are made to support you in getting your living or working space in order once and for all.

Even more specifically, all of ÉDH`s services are designed to guide you through the process of decluttering and organizing your home by providing support, assistance, and encouragement throughout your journey. You can always expect a non-judgmental approach to your living space as well as emotional support when it comes to items that you’re struggling with letting go of. You will also experience that we ask questions that make you think about your possessions in a new way and with your ultimate vision in mind on how you want your ideal living space to look like. Furthermore, you can rely on us in showing you how you can use your space more efficiently, recommending suitable storage solutions, and much more. 

Our ultimate goal is to help you establish a clutter-free environment where you can finally spend time on the things you truly care about. 

If you are curious about how decluttering is considered to be money-saving, I genuinely suggest you listen to this podcast episode:

How Soon Are You Available? What Is Your Working Schedule?

Jovana`s business hours are Monday-Friday, 08.00-21.00. It doesn`t fit into your schedule? Contact us for availability outside business days/hours.  

Jovana intentionally takes a limited number of organizing projects each month, as every client deserves a full level of attention and personalized care.

Contact us to find out about current availability. 

Which languages do you speak?

All sessions are currently provided by Jovana only and can be held in fluent Norwegian, English, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian, or Spanish.

Do I Have To Be Present During The Session(s) In My Home?

You will need to be present and participate in the decluttering process, as you are responsible for determining what items to keep and what to let go of. Once the entire decluttering process is finished, Jovana may be able to create some organizing systems and finish up without you, if you absolutely cannot be present. This and more can be discussed during our complimentary phone consultation.

How many sessions will I need to book?

Jovana always advises a complimentary consultation prior to booking your first tidying session. Our services include various session types to suit many different profiles of clients. However, everyone’s home and lifestyle is unique and needs to be treated as such. Therefore, during the consultation, Jovana will work with you to determine how many sessions you may require based on your current situation and what you want to accomplish. It is however not always possible to give an accurate estimate on the number of sessions needed as it may happen you require more sessions/hours than initially thought depending on a variety of factors you can read more about in our Good To Know section.

Why is one KonMari™ Tidying Session up to five hours?

Typically, one session will range from a minimum of three to a maximum of five hours.

This amount of time is generally considered to be enough to see significant progress in any category and very few comprehensive organizing projects can be completed in less than three hours. Furthermore, energy levels can often drop after five hours which then can affect your decision-making ability and progress. Please, remember that patience is often the key to any success.

If necessary and convenient some sessions can last longer than five hours for an additional hourly fee. Please see services.

Is There Any Preparation needed for the tidying session(s)?

To make our session as efficient as possible, it is advisable you have the following items on hand:

  • Large bags and/or recycling bags (if used in your household)
  • Some bigger boxes for sorting
  • As many shoeboxes (or similar boxes) as you can find
  • Some free floor/bed space for the sorting process (applies mostly to clothing category)

Also, please make sure to have all (or at least most) of your laundry done so that we can assess all your clothing in our first session.

Do I Need To Invest In Different Storage Boxes Prior To Our First Session?

There is no need to buy storage solutions ahead of our time together.

The KonMari Method™ focuses on decluttering before organizing. Jovana will help you to work with storage that you already happen to have available in your home. Trust me, as you declutter, storage items you didn’t even know you had will show up. The same goes for the storage space. You usually already have just enough space for all the items you decide on keeping.

However, if you want to upgrade your storage items after we’re finished tidying, Jovana will gladly provide recommendations on where these can be purchased and how many you might need.

Does the session include organizing my partner`s/kid`s/parent`s/etc stuff?

Tidying is a very personal journey that requires concentration and works best when we are working one-on-one. Only you can determine what sparks joy for you and this is the time when you learn the techniques of The KonMari Method™. In many cases, a parent can take decisions on young children’s belongings and I would be more than happy to assist you in the process.  If you however want to include your children in the process, a session can be conducted with them, but in your presence. Once you learn the magic of for example KonMari style folding, passing it on to your children or others is guaranteed to be fun!

If you are in a situation where you want to declutter after the passing of a loved one, I will absolutely be able to guide you through the process, in addition to addressing your own belongings. 

Do you have a partner that currently is not ready to go on this journey with you? This is a very common concern. Start with your own things and hopefully after your partner witnesses the progress you are making, they may begin to realize and experience the benefits of surrounding themselves with only those items that ‘Spark Joy’ for them. The positive impact of using The KonMari Method™ is inspiring. If you have a partner that would like to be a part of a certain session(s), please inform me about this in advance to discuss details.

Will you make me throw away a bunch of my belongings?

No. The decision to keep or discard an item is entirely yours. Jovana will, however, guide you on how to determine what `Sparks Joy ` in your life and what doesn`t. Let`s face it – we all have things in our homes that don`t serve us in any way and that we keep « just because » or because « I might need this one day ». These will be questioned and addressed compassionately so that YOU can feel you are making a good decision.

Do you provide a cleaning service?

État de Hygge is not a cleaning company and is therefore unable to provide these services. Many clients find it suitable to thoroughly clean the surfaces in their homes while tidying. As  The KonMari Method™ strongly advises on decluttering everything before working on finding the most suitable spot for your kept belongings at the very end, all the storage during the tidying process is to be considered as temporary. This allows for the desired cleaning of surfaces in-between sessions and therefore making them ready for storage implementing. You can, of course, expect to be advised on this matter during our sessions.

Do I have to tidy according to The KonMari Method™?

No. While Jovana`s organizing sessions have a focus on decluttering the KonMari style, she is pleased to offer organizing services that are personalized to meet you and your home’s needs. Contact us for more information

Are you available for a hands-on session(s) outside Oslo and Akershus?

Please  see Travel  in the Good To Know section.

If you are unable to book a hands-on session, Jovana is happy to provide a Virtual Tidying Session

Have an unanswered question? Send me an email!

Book your free consultation call/video.